Welcome to Anona

A Faith Community for the Community

You’re Invited

Our mission for over 150 years: love God, love neighbor, transform lives. Discover a practical, real-world faith that changes lives and brings hope to others. Come as you are and let’s worship, grow, serve and live our faith together. 

Connect with people whether you are able to join us in person or on-line. We stream our services live every Sunday, providing you with the opportunity to participate in our worship and hear the message from wherever you are. Additionally, we post the sermon by Tuesday every week, allowing you to catch up on anything you may have missed or revisit any particular message that resonated with you. We invite you to join our church community, participate in discussions and prayer, and grow in your faith.

Traditional Services
8:15am & 11:00am

Anona Kids
Wesley Hall

Contemporary Services
Worship Center

Anona Youth
Worship Center

Ways to Connect

Serve & Support

We are collecting individually wrapped, small candy and chocolates for our Easter egg hunt. Collection 'bunnies' will be at the entrance doors. Non-candy items (stickers, tindy prizes) are also appreciated!

If you have any questions Email Jackie Evans.

Upcoming Events

people sitting in pews

New to Anona?

Welcome to Anona. A place where you belong. You are loved. You are valued. You are believed in. We realize that visiting a new church can be intimidating, and we want your experience at Anona to be as comfortable as possible. Feel free to reach out to the church office for more information on getting connected through Small Groups, Classes, Missions, and more.

Find Us

Anona UMC
13233 Indian Rocks Rd
Largo, FL 33774





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Sign-up for our monthly newsletter to stay up-to-date on service opportunities, ways to connect, and other exciting things from Anona.
