We will tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might,and the wonders that he has done...that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and rise up and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments. - Psalm 79:4b,6
What is Anona+
Anona+ is an invitation…a commitment…a whole-life approach to the Christian faith! To say it another way, Anona+ is all of us being all in for Christ and His Church!
Think for a moment…cancel that. Don’t think for a moment, dream for a moment! Dream of what Christ hopes our church will be and do for Him! Dream knowing that what we do today helps set the course for how that dream becomes reality in the future. Dream knowing that dreams only carry us so far. It takes stepping up now, today,
for that future.
Anona+ is your invitation to help make that future a reality. That “+” is you living out your faith one level up from where you are today. If you worship occasionally now, plus it up to a consistent pattern of worship. If you’re only worshiping right now, plus it up to find a way to serve and/or grow. If you’re giving to the church, plus it up! It can be one dollar, five dollars, ten dollars, one hundred dollars. The point of growing toward the tithe of 10% of our income is to do something that stretches us toward a bit of discomfort where we have to trust God more. So plus it up!
Maybe what we’ll discover with Anona+ is that it isn’t only an invitation, commitment and whole-life approach to the Christian faith. Maybe we’ll discover that it is also a gift…a gift we may not even know we need. A gift that draws us closer to God, closer to one another, closer to our community. Will you plus up your faith and join together to live into Christ’s hopes for our church and what it will be and do for Him?
Growing toward the 10% tithe (giving commitment) is a faith journey. At the heart, it is realizing everything we have belongs to God. We are invited to recognize that by giving some back in thanks. Here are three steps you can take to grow in your journey:
Step One
If you are not regularly giving (weekly/monthly) to the church, make a commitment today to giving at least $5 per week ($20 per month).
Step Two
If you are giving regularly, prayerfully consider increasing your giving by 1% to 3% of your income, as you move toward the goal of giving the 10% tithe.
Step Three
If you are giving the tithe of 10%, thank you for your faithfulness. Your generosity is making a tremendous impact. If God is blessing you with more than enough, prayerfully consider continuing to grow your giving commitment to help the church fulfill Christ’s mission to make disciples of all nations.
Whatever step you are currently on in your journey, make your commitment known by pledging today.
If you would like to give directly to Anona’s Mission fund, select MISSIONS and the Anona Mission Team will help those in need at the local, domestic, and international level. Thank you for your financial contribution.
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We are called to “increase and abound in love.” Generosity and stewardship are key ways of expressing that love. Every act of kindness, every donation, and every helping hand has made a difference. Your generosity has fueled our mission, strengthened our bonds, and brightened the lives of those we've reached. While these are important contributions, the reality is that without your generosity through your giving and stewardship towards our church, we would not be able to have our amazing programs like Anona Kids, Anona Little Kids, Anona Youth, service opportunities like Habitat and Sew 4 Kids, and many more.
“I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God.”
For help with additional giving methods, click here.
Your financial gifts make Anona and our impact to the congregation and community possible. Thank you for continuing to grow with us.
For questions regarding your missions contribution, contact our Missions Director, Jackie Evans.
For general financial contribution inquiries, contact our Church Treasurer, David Blidy.