
October 29, 2023. Be Not Afraid. Rev. Jeremy Herrington. Anona UMC.

I love a good scare. Whether it's watching an old classic horror movie, or a halloween-themed spookhouse, or attempting to ride the latest thrill rollercoaster it can be fun to have a good scare once in awhile (at least for some people). This Halloween weekend we'll be talking about a different kind of fear: the kind that keeps you up at night, worried about what's to come, the kind of fear that doesn't go away when the movie or ride is over. Scripture tells us to be not afraid, but how can we get there when we find ourselves in the presence of whatever frightens us the most?

Scripture: Isaiah 43:1-4


November 5, 2023. Science and Religion. Dr. Jack Stephenson. Anona UMC.


October 22, 2023. No Ifs, Ands, or Buts. Rev. Richard Landon. Anona UMC.