A Letter from the Pastor
Anona Family,
One of the greatest dangers we face in Pinellas County is a hurricane's direct hit or near miss. It is important to prepare for the potential, and doing so well ahead of time can help avoid chaos or panic in the event a hurricane approaches and threatens our area. I cannot stress enough the importance of preparation.
We don't have the answers, but we want to steer you toward places where you can get them. Below is some information that will help you address questions and concerns about storms and how to prepare. Our sole concern is your safety, and because the church will close in the event of a storm, we want you to be as prepared as possible.
Take a look at the information below. Click the links to learn more. Simple steps now can help you avoid emergencies later. We hope this resource is helpful to you and encourage you to share this page with friends and family.
Yours in the Journey,
“God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble therefore will not we fear...”
Preparation is Empowerment!
Our first concern is your safety.
Please take a few moments to review this information from your church and be sure to visit the emergency management links provided.
3 steps to empowerment! Click Here.
#1 - First, Know Your Risk
Pinellas County orders evacuations to protect residents who are at risk from storm surge, who live in a mobile home or who are dependent on electricity for medical needs. To learn more about evacuations and to look up your evacuation zone:
For many reasons, Anona Church is not a storm shelter. Once the church closes for a storm event, critical infrastructure will be shut down and only essential staff will be permitted on campus until the church officially reopens.
#2 - Next, Make a Plan
Once you know your risk, it is essential to plan to manage those risks. Your hurricane plan starts with knowing if and when you will need to evacuate your home.
Where will you evacuate to? How will you get there? For more information visit: Evacuation - Pinellas County
Pinellas County has a shelter program for those with special needs, but you will need to register in advance!
For more information visit: Special Needs - Pinellas CountyYou should gather basic emergency supplies at the start of every hurricane season! Don’t wait until the stores are crowded and sold out! For more information visit Emergency Kit - Pinellas County
Your plan should account for all family members including your pets! Fore more information visit: Preparing Pets for Emergencies - Pinellas County
County Shelters are a lifeboat, not a cruise ship! You are encouraged to use a county shelter only as a last option. Wherever you evactuate to, be sure and have plenty of food, medicines and necessities.
AUMC Director of Facilities Scott Magness has a background in emergency management and will be happy to meet with you to discuss your hurricane planning. Contact Scott by email.
#3 - Stay Informed
During an emergency, Pinellas County provides up-to-the-minute information to help you protect yourself, your loved ones and your property. During an emergency, check the Emergency Information page frequently for the latest official information. Pinellas County activates the County Information Center to answer your questions. You can reach the information center by calling (727) 464-4333. Hours of operation will be announced through alerts, social media and the Pinellas County website.
Your church will also provide frequent updates pertaining to church operations via the AUMC website and social media platforms.
Once we begin monitoring a storm event, there will be an information quick link on the Anona Home Page.
AUMC closes when:
Pinellas County Schools close
There are sustained tropical storm winds in our areas
Church leadership determines closing to be appropriate
The length of closure will vary depending on circumstances. For your safety, please refrain from being on campus until the all-clear is formally declared by church leadership.
Post-Storm Status
The church will make every effort to maintain communications via normal means, but it is quite possible that electronic communications will be compromised by the storm. As a last resort, and when it is safe, the church will place signage at the lobby doors on the Indian Rocks Road side of the campus.
Please do not come to the church until Pinellas County has declared road travel safe!
For more information on hurricane preparedness, be sure to visit:
Hurricane Guide - English - Pinellas County or, Hurricane Guide - Spanish - Pinellas County