Prayer and Support

  • Anona Grief Group

    Anona's Grief Support Group is a confidential source for working through the painful grief of the death of a loved one. You're welcome to come share or just listen. We meet on Wednesday afternoons in Anona UMC room 110 from 3:30-5:00. Zoom is also available.

    Call Amy Dyson for more info

  • Caregiver Support Group

    Nurturing a loved one comes with its share of challenges. Caregivers frequently experience isolation and loneliness, grappling with persistent fatigue. Many find themselves without adequate support and unaware of available resources. Confronted with unfamiliar behaviors and issues, they often feel perplexed and frustrated. Occasionally, the line between love and duty becomes blurred.

    Meetings are available in person or via Zoom so you do not need to leave your home or caregiving situation. They are held on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month, from 3:00 to 4:00 pm.

    Click here for more information on our Caregivers Support Group.

  • Counseling Center

    The Anona Family Life Counseling Center is an Outreach Ministry of Anona UMC and is pleased to offer confidential professional counseling services as well as educational and personal growth classes, groups and seminars on a variety of topics on a fee for service basis.

    Main Number: 727-463-6181
    Off Campus location: 2081 Indian Rocks Road, Largo, Florida 33774 (just up the street from Church)

    Click here for a list of counselors and their specialties.

    Click here for more information on our Counseling Center

  • GriefShare

    Finding solace and strength after losing a loved one? Join us at GriefShare, a unique weekly seminar and support group crafted to guide you through rebuilding your life. We understand the pain, and we're here to lend a caring hand. For more details, reach out to the church office. We're here to support you.

    Click here for more information.

  • Hope Cancer Group

    Probably most of us have had our lives changed, because you or someone close to you has been diagnosed with cancer. No matter where you are on your journey, the Hope Cancer Group is here to listen and help. To know the road ahead, ask those coming back from their journey. The group meets the 3rd Thursday each month at 6:30.

    The group mission is our Hope Bag Project. Some of you were kind enough to contribute in September and we thank you!
    These bags are filled with items that offer comfort to people going through their first chemo treatment with an invitation to come to our support group.

    For further information about the group please contact email us.

  • Sew N'Sews - Prayer Quilts

    The Prayers and Squares ministry has had a tremendous impact on many people over the years. This ministry has now provided more than 3000 prayer quilts to people struggling with illness. Each quilt is lovingly hand-made and enfolded in the prayers of our entire congregation as we join together on Sunday mornings to tie a knot on the quilt and say a prayer on behalf of each recipient.

    Click here to see the current prayer quilts we are prayer for.

  • Stephen Ministry

    Stephen Ministry is a confidential lay ministry that provides distinctively Christian one-on-one care to those who are experiencing all kinds of life needs and circumstances, both in our congregation and community. A caring friend who really listens and will keep everything confidential. Stephen Ministers are available each Sunday morning following our Anona Campus Services.

    If you, or someone you know needs a Stephen Minister you may call the church office at 727-595-2581, ext. 408.

  • Visitation Ministry

    Anona’s Visitation Ministry Team brings the love of Christ from the church to the temporarily and permanently homebound. We call or visit our homebound church family in their homes or at rehab and adult living facilities. If you’re interested in bringing Christ’s love to the homebound through a phone call or visit, click the “I’m Interested” button below to find out more. Couples and friends welcomed and encouraged to join and visit together.

    Contact us for more information.

The Anona United Methodist Church Prayer Chain is composed of church members who pray daily for those requesting prayers for themselves and others. Requests are kept confidential unless otherwise specified. We ask for the name and phone number (or email address) of those asking for prayer in order to clarify and/or follow-up with a request.  Prayer requests may be submitted to the Prayer Chain using the form below, or to any member of the Prayer Chain.

 Other Info