The dress code is casual, and you're welcome to attend even our Traditional Service just as you are. While some choose to dress in their Sunday attire, many opt for a more relaxed look, often including flip-flops and beach shorts. Considering we live in Florida, this choice is entirely fitting!
Messages are intended to serve a practical purpose as we navigate our spiritual journey, seeking to grow in our faith through Jesus Christ. You can anticipate not only sound theological teachings but also valuable insights on how to integrate the Gospel into your daily life.
At Anona, everyone is welcomed. We believe that we are made in the image of our Creator. This means all are made is his image. And just like God, we have the capacity to love, care, to communicate, and to create.
What unites us is our shared aspiration for a Christian life filled with meaning and purpose. When you join us, our hope is that you will encounter God, feel entirely at home, and understand that you are a cherished member of our church family.
God, who is one, is revealed in three distinct persons.
We believe in the mystery of salvation through Jesus Christ. God became human in Jesus who life, death and resurrection demonstrate God’s redeeming love.
The Holy Spirit is God’s present activity in our midst. When we sense God’s leading, God’s challenge, or God’s support or comfort, it’s the Holy Spirit at work.
Here at Anona, the Bible is the primary authority for our faith and practice.
Looking to get involved at Anona and don’t know how or where to start? You can always check the upcoming events for the next Welcome to Anona class. This is a great way to learn about the different ministry areas. You can also visit our Get Involved page to learn more and see how others are getting involved and a part of the faith community here at Anona.
While we’d love to see you on a Sunday or in a class for a chance to talk to you face-to-face. However, sometimes we know that doing a little research before hand helps people feel more at ease. If that’s you, we encourage you to visit the United Methodist website.
We are thrilled that you are interested in joining Anona United Methodist Church as a member. Completing the membership form is the first step in officially calling Anona your church home.
You can find the membership form here.
After we receive your form, Jeremy Herrington will follow up with you to schedule a time to get together and talk more about this awesome next step you are taking. Feel free to reach out to Jeremy if you have any questions. We can’t wait to officially welcome you to Anona! -
We are at the corner of Wilcox Rd and Indian Rocks Rd in Largo, Fl. You can put our address 13233 Indian Rocks Rd, Largo, Fl 33774 into your GPS or click here to find us on Google.
Still have questions?
Do you have a question that wasn’t covered in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section? Please fill out the form here, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.