1 Year Olds

We celebrate a vast range of milestones a 12- to 24-month-old experiences during this time. These achievements might include walking, drinking from a cup without a lid, picking items up between the thumb and pointer finger, gaining independence, recognizes self in a mirror and imitates the behavior of others.  The list, as you may already know, goes on.  Children progress at different times and we can meet every child where they are.

At ACDC, we:

  • Meet and exceed the State of Florida required 1 staff to 5 children ratio

  • Provide two learning rich classrooms for our 1 -year-olds to explore their curiosity

  • Prepare the indoor/outdoor environment to nurture the growth and development of the growing toddler

  • Plan and prepare our lessons and activities through the lens of safety and love and with the wealth of experience and education of our profession

  • Offer families a full-day schedule for their child (7:15 AM to 5:45 PM, Please drop off by 9 AM)

Curriculum:   For our little ones, Frog Street offers educators and caregivers intentional activities and rich resources that nurtures growth and development in the language, cognitive, physical, approaches to learning and social-emotional developmental domains. We also allow for unique investigation and exploration of items or concepts of interest to further ignite the love of learning.  Their learning and growth are also supported through the application of Conscious Discipline strategies that we have been practicing for over 25 years. 

Office Number
(727) 593-KIDS

Fax Number

Office Hours

13233 Indian Rocks Rd
Largo, Fl 33774

License# C720502