
July 16, 2023. "...". Rev. Jeremy Herrington. Anona UMC

For those people who might text with an iPhone, you are probably familiar with seeing "…" (three dots with no quotes) from time to time. For our Android brethren, that symbol usually means that the person you're texting may be writing a response back to you. Problem is you don't really know for sure (and for how long you might wait to get their response). For me that sounds a lot like unanswered prayer.

This Sunday we're going to talk about Hannah, and the challenge of unanswered prayer. How does Hannah deal with the situation? What can we learn from her story? How does that apply to our own experiences with unanswered prayer?

Scripture: 1 Samuel 1: 1-20


September 10, 2023. Remember. Rev. Richard Landon. Anona UMC


July 23, 2023. When Life Falls Apart. Rev. Richard Landon. Anona UMC