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Confirmation 2024

Confirmation is a great way for students 7th grade or older to learn about what we believe, why we believe it, and how to apply it to our daily lives. We will discuss United Methodist theology along with other basic Christian beliefs to begin to lay the foundation for students to develop a personal faith of their own.

Once registered, additional information and details will be emailed out so that you are well informed for each event scheduled. All students 7-12th grade are welcome to participate. The cost is $70 for the class, which includes the retreat and class supplies. We believe in the importance of Confirmation so we have scholarship assistance available for any reason to students interested. 


Sun, Feb 4th 9:00-10:30am - Confirmation Kickoff Event- Chapel Conference Room (Parents and Students)

~ Parents/ guardians and students are invited for coffee, information, and a meet and greet with leaders to kick off the journey together.

Sun, Feb 11th 9:00am-12:30pm - Jewish Temple Visit  (parents 9:00-9:25am)

~ We’ll learn about our Jewish heritage, then travel to Temple BiNai Isreal to meet their Rabbi and hear about our Jewish roots and how it has influenced our Christian faith. 

Sun, Feb 18th 9:00am-10:30am - Lesson at the Church (parents 9:00-9:25am)

~ We’ll continue the story of God’s people into the birth of Jesus and learn about how the church came to be. 

Sun, Feb 25th 9:00am-12:15pm - Lesson at Church + Traditional Service Visit (parents 9:00-9:25am)

~We’ll hear from one of our own Anona UMC Pastors as they give us insight into the unique aspects of the Methodist denomination and what sets this tradition apart from others. Then, we’ll worship together at our own 11am Traditional Service in the sanctuary!

Fri, Mar 1st 5:00pm -Sun, Mar 3rd 12:30pm- Confirmation Retreat Weekend** (Students)

~ This is the pinnacle of the Confirmation Experience! We will dive into the depths of what we believe (given our history from above), why we believe it, and why it matters in a variety of ways. 

Sun, Mar 10th - NO CLASS - Spring Break

Sun, Mar 17th 9:00am-10:30am - Lesson at Church (no field trip) (parents 9:00-9:25am)

~We’ll learn more about how we can live out our faith every single day through our Anona slogan—Worship, Grow, Serve, Live.

Fri, Mar 22nd 6:30-8pm - Beach Night** (Parents and Students)

~ Everyone (whole church, youth group, families, students) is invited to the beach as we baptize students who have decided to take that step in their faith as part of Confirmation. 

~ Plus, we’ll remember our baptisms for everyone who has already been baptized younger or as a baby AND celebrate steps taken in faith by the group.

Sun, Mar 24th - Confirmation Sunday** (Parents and Students)

~ We’ll be celebrating our Confirmation Class at all of the Sunday worship services in the morning AND evening. 

**Students cannot miss more than two Confirmation Classes. If classes are missed, it is the student/parent’s responsibility to schedule a makeup class with the Youth Director. Retreat, Beach Night & Confirmation Sunday is required for completion of Confirmation!

January 26

Rock the Universe 3-Day Trip

February 11

Super Bowl Party!