Upcoming events.

Essential Oils of the Bible II Workshop
Continuing the class on essential oils of the Bible, here is class two.
Bring your bible, a notepad, pen, and questions. Five new essential oils of the Bible will be reviewed and discussed. All who attend will get a free sample of oil(s).
Room 110

Essential Oils of the Bible I Workshop
A class on essential oils of the Bible. This is class one of two.
Bring your bible, a notepad, pen, and questions. Five essential oils of the Bible will be reviewed and discussed. All who attend will get a free sample of oil(s).
Room 110

All-Ages Summer Bible Study
This will be our 3rd Annual All-Ages Summer Bible study, and we are so excited to be together! This is a Bible Study opportunity for the whole family!! June 19th - July 17th - Wednesday nights, 5:30-7:30PM
Come together for dinner and community time with your church family. Then we will split up by age groups, adults, youth and kids, as we go deeper into exploring our faith together.

All-Ages Summer Bible Study
This will be our 3rd Annual All-Ages Summer Bible study, and we are so excited to be together! This is a Bible Study opportunity for the whole family!! June 19th - July 17th - Wednesday nights, 5:30-7:30PM
Come together for dinner and community time with your church family. Then we will split up by age groups, adults, youth and kids, as we go deeper into exploring our faith together.

All-Ages Summer Bible Study
This will be our 3rd Annual All-Ages Summer Bible study, and we are so excited to be together! This is a Bible Study opportunity for the whole family!! June 19th - July 17th - Wednesday nights, 5:30-7:30PM
Come together for dinner and community time with your church family. Then we will split up by age groups, adults, youth and kids, as we go deeper into exploring our faith together.

All-Ages Summer Bible Study
This will be our 3rd Annual All-Ages Summer Bible study, and we are so excited to be together! This is a Bible Study opportunity for the whole family!! June 19th - July 17th - Wednesday nights, 5:30-7:30PM
Come together for dinner and community time with your church family. Then we will split up by age groups, adults, youth and kids, as we go deeper into exploring our faith together.

All-Ages Summer Bible Study
This will be our 3rd Annual All-Ages Summer Bible study, and we are so excited to be together! This is a Bible Study opportunity for the whole family!! June 19th - July 17th - Wednesday nights, 5:30-7:30PM
Come together for dinner and community time with your church family. Then we will split up by age groups, adults, youth and kids, as we go deeper into exploring our faith together.