Upcoming events.

Kithen Krew Help!
to Apr 27

Kithen Krew Help!


Anona Youth is incredibly blessed to have an amazing volunteer team that comes in every week to cook a homemade meal for our Sunday Night Youth Programming. There is something about sharing a meal that is so sacred to forming long-lasting relationships. We can use your help continuing to make that happen! Please click the link below to see what Sunday(s) you’re available to give 2 hours of your time to serve our students.

Sunday Evenings @ 4:15-6:15pm in Wesley Hall Kitchen

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Pants Palooza
to Mar 17

Pants Palooza

Collecting Boys pants 4yrs to 16yrs New or Gently used! This is the rack at the boutique that is never full enough! From Feb 16th to March 16th we are asking you to join the palooza and bring in little boys pants. If you have ever had boys, grandsons, nephews you know how hard they are on their clothes!

Lets fill the rack and give Clothes to Kids plenty to spare!

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Family Worship Sunday

Family Worship Sunday

Join us on February 23 for a family worship Sunday. This means that there will be no Anona kids programming that Sunday as kids will attend worship with their families! Bonnie will be preaching this Sunday and we will be celebrating the families that participated in learning to use my Bible, as they go on this journey together to discover God's Word! 

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Parent Night @ Youth!

Parent Night @ Youth!

Parent Night @ Youth Group

February 23rd from 5-7:30pm

Parents, you're invited to join us for a special night at Sunday Night Youth Group! This is your chance to experience the program alongside your students—games, dinner, worship, talk time, small groups, and more. Check out some new changes that we’ve introduced to program over this school year.

You'll also have the opportunity to connect with your student's small group leaders, meet other parents, and touch base with us as we continue to partner together through the ups and downs of life and faith in the teenage years.

We can’t wait to see you there—mark your calendar and come be part of the fun!

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Somewhere in the Middle

Somewhere in the Middle


The move from kids to youth.

Calling all 5th graders! We're inviting all 5th graders to join us for this year's Somewhere in the Middle! Somewhere in the middle is a special time for our 5th graders to start transitioning into the youth ministry and their next chapter. This spring they will be invited to see what Sunday Night Youth Group is all about and connect with other peers. We’ll enjoy games, dinner, worship, talk time, small groups and more.

We hope parents and their 5th graders can join us for our first event on February 23rd 5-7:30pm for youth program and parent night! You will get to check out youth group (games, dinner, worship & more), connect with other middle and high school students and parents, and meet our Youth Director, Megan Trunzo. Check-in will be at the youth patio on Indian Rocks Road side. Feel free to email megan@anona.com with any questions!

Upcoming Somewhere in the Middle Events:

  • Sunday, February 23rd @ 5:00-7:30pm (parents & students)

  • Sunday, March 30th @ 5:00-7:30pm (students only)

  • Sunday, April 27th @ 5:00-7:30pm (Students only)

  • Friday, May 16th - special 5th grade get-together - information TBA

  • Sunday, June 1st - OFFICIAL MOVE-UP SUNDAY! (moving into 6th grade & youth ministry) - information TBA

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Change 4 Change Volunteering

Change 4 Change Volunteering

Change 4 Change Ministry

Middle & High School Volunteering

What it is: Change 4 Change is a ministry created and run by middle and high school students for over a decade. Every second Sunday of the month (some months are different), our students collect any spare change from congregation members before and after our worship services. Students get to be a part of deciding where the money collected should go to give back to our community!

How to get involved: We have two big ways students can get involved in this mission: (1) sign up to volunteer on collection Sundays and help collect and count change; (2) sign up to be a student-representative at the monthly Missions Meetings to be a voice in making decisions with the team.

Please feel free to reach out if you'd like to learn more or have any questions!

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Welcome to Anona

Welcome to Anona

Welcome to Anona Classes - an opportunity to learn more about Anona, church membership, and to discover some of the many opportunities to worship, grow, and serve together in ministry.

Join us at 6:30pm on Monday, March 10th in the Anona Chapel Conference Room for our next Welcome to Anona class.

Email us to sign up or for more information.

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Lenten All-Ages Study

Lenten All-Ages Study

Join us this Lenten season for an evening of fellowship, food, and faith-filled study! We’ll begin with an optional, open-house-style dinner where everyone can gather and connect. Afterward, kids, youth, and adults will break into age-specific Bible studies as we prepare our hearts for Easter.

  • 5:30-6:15pm: Open House dinner in the Worship Center (Optional)

  • 6:15-7:30pm: Bible Study

    • Adult Class in the Worship Center, Elementary & Littles in Wesley Hall, Middle & High School in Youth Room

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Teen Valley Ranch Camp
to Jun 14

Teen Valley Ranch Camp

Teen Valley Ranch (TVR) Camp

All current 6th-11th grade students (2024-2025 school year) are invited to an unforgettable experience at Teen Valley Ranch (TVR) Camp.

We’re so excited to be returning this summer! We are partnering with St. Paul UMC’s Youth Group to travel up to Plumtree, North Carolina for a camp experience in the mountains at Teen Valley Ranch Camp, or TVR.

TVR hopes that the summer experience is unforgettable fun; but more than that, they desire to make a great impact on campers’ lives and inspire them to live life with Jesus. They are a ministry full of trained staff who love to share their skills, talents and faith to make a difference in the lives of students. TVR offers distinct programs for middle and high school students. They are in sessions together, but have distinct group games and cabin times. Click on these links to learn more about activities and sample schedule.

When: June 8th-14th, 2025.
Plumtree, NC.

Registration closes Friday, April 4th.
Scholarship Essays are due Friday, April 4th.*
Final Payment due by Friday, May 2nd.

*We understand that trips can be a big cost for any family to afford. We have scholarships available for any reason to any family. Click here for more information on how to apply.

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Mission Trip 2025
to Jul 18

Mission Trip 2025



All current 6th-11th grade (2024-2025 school year) students are invited to an unforgettable experience serving the surrounding communities right in our backyard. This year, Anona Youth will be partnering with local organizations to help OUR community right at home! Our hope is to show the impact that our students can make right here at home with the local organizations we partner with year-round. We’re providing the opportunity to put your students’ faith into action and return home with lifelong memories and a renewed excitement for Jesus Christ. We’ll still have all the elements that an “away” mission trip includes, with the benefits of impacting our own families in the community!

When: July 14th-18th, 2024
Largo, FL (Anona)

Registration closes Friday, May 2nd.
Scholarship Essays are due Friday, May 2nd.*
Final Payment due by Friday, June 6th.

*We understand that trips can be a big cost for any family to afford. We have scholarships available for any reason to any family. Click here for more information on how to apply.

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Youth Super Bowl Party!

Youth Super Bowl Party!


We’re inviting your students to join us for our annual Super Bowl Party at church! The night is filled with a good potluck, games, and—of course—the Super Bowl watch party!! 6:00pm-HALF TIME!

WHEN: Sunday, February 9th @ 6:00pm-HALF TIME
Anona Church
Appetizers to share & non-perishable food item to donate

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Change 4 Change Volunteering

Change 4 Change Volunteering

Change 4 Change Ministry

Middle & High School Volunteering

Sunday, February 9th is also SOUPer Bowl Sunday! We’ll be helping collect non-perishable food items to be donated to Hope Villages of America’s food pantry as well as spare change!

What it is: Change 4 Change is a ministry created and run by middle and high school students for over a decade. Every second Sunday of the month (some months are different), our students collect any spare change from congregation members before and after our worship services. Students get to be a part of deciding where the money collected should go to give back to our community!

How to get involved: We have two big ways students can get involved in this mission: (1) sign up to volunteer on collection Sundays and help collect and count change; (2) sign up to be a student-representative at the monthly Missions Meetings to be a voice in making decisions with the team.

Please feel free to reach out if you'd like to learn more or have any questions!

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Souper Bowl

Souper Bowl

The Youth will be collecting hearty cans of soup for Hope Villages Food Bank. Look for them after services.

So start collecting soup or any high protein non perishables now to make it the best SOUPer bowl ever!

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Rock the Universe 2025
to Jan 26

Rock the Universe 2025



Raise Your Hands. Raise Your Voice. Raise Your Spirit.
Rock the Universe is back for an unforgettable weekend of faith and fun. Experience two nights of powerful tunes from Christian Music’s brightest stars and mind-blowing rides at Universal Studios Florida—plus a visit to Universal’s Islands of Adventure on Saturday.

Lift your hands and let your heart soar with amazing artists including Brandon Lake, Matthew West, Rend Collective, Forrest Frank, Bethel Music and more!

Registration & Scholarship Application Deadline: Monday, December 16th, 2024
Payment Deadline: Monday, January 6th, 2025

WHEN: JANUARY 24th-26th, 2025
PRICE: $265*

*Scholarships are available. More information here. Scholarship Application due December 16th, 2024.

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A Disciple's Path

A Disciple's Path

Disciples Path 2024

A Disciples Path, The United Methodist Way

This 6-week class explores Discipleship within the context of the United Methodist and Wesleyan heritage and tradition. Prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness…this is what we commit to when we become members of Anona and the United Methodist Church. You will learn to develop spiritual practices, discover your unique gifts, and engage in ministry that brings transformation to your own life and to the lives of others. Enjoy exploring who you are and how you connect with God and others through personal spiritual disciplines and Christian community.

Wednesdays, January 22nd through February 26th, 6:30-8PM
Facilitators: Kathy Bell and Kathy Freeburg
Books needed: A Disciple's Path Daily Workbook
-a limited quantity of books will be available at the church for a cost of $15
Please contact the church office at (727)595-2581 if you have questions.

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Learning to Use My Bible

Learning to Use My Bible

Starting January 19, 10:45-11:45AM in Wesley Hall
6 Sunday series, for Upper Elementary AND their Parents
February 23rd will be Bible Sunday

Learning to use My Bible is a 6-week program for upper elementary students AND their parents to adventure through the Bible and learn important skills to discover God's great big love in this confusing and great big book. This class will work to lay the foundation for our kids to feel confident asking questions and learning more about God, while helping parents feel ready to walk alongside students in this journey! 

We know the Bible is not easy to understand, where to even begin!? We want to partner with parents to help you feel comfortable and equipped to have those big conversations when kids have big questions! 

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Blood Drive

Blood Drive

The Big Red Bus will be on Anona’s campus Sunday, January 19 from 9:00a.m. to 2:00p.m.

  • Make sure that you drink plenty of water.

  • Eat well-balanced iron rich meals (especially the morning before donating),

  • Bring and ID with you on to the bus!

  • Make sure you limit your caffeine intake the morning before drive.

** Appointments are not required, but are encouraged, however, they allow us plan for the drive to ensure that it runs as smoothly as possible. Make an appointment by clicking here


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ACDC Registration
to Jan 19

ACDC Registration

Registration starts on January 6th to 10th for currently enrolled students/families.
Priority registration for church members will take place on January 13th to the 17th.
We open to the community and those on the wait list on January 16th.

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Disciple Fast Track

Disciple Fast Track

This 12-week study immerses readers in the letters traditionally attributed to Paul.

This Disciple Fast Track is an adaptation of the original, bestselling Disciple Bible Study: Remember Who You Are. The study is ideal for busy people who want to fit an in-depth Bible study into their schedule. The study retains the familiar Disciple format with its theme word, theme verse, statement of the human condition, daily and weekly assignments, and prayer.

This study examines the connection between memory and identity as the people of God. Participants will find common themes, including calls to remember, calls to repent, calls for renewal, and calls for community.

Time: Tuesday evenings from 6:30pm-8:15pm
Location: Brides’ Room (Behind the Traditional Sanctuary)
Facilitators: Lisa and Lyann Noe

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Sunday Funday

Sunday Funday

Come together for a Fun Sunday! After church, 10:30AM, we will serve our community together with Pack-A-Sack, where we provide food for kids in our community. Play on the playground with friends. Wander around to visit our Community Partner booths where you can collect resources for families. Grab lunch. Get connected with your faith community!

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Change 4 Change Volunteering

Change 4 Change Volunteering

Change 4 Change Ministry

Middle & High School Volunteering

What it is: Change 4 Change is a ministry created and run by middle and high school students for over a decade. Every second Sunday of the month (some months are different), our students collect any spare change from congregation members before and after our worship services. Students get to be a part of deciding where the money collected should go to give back to our community!

How to get involved: We have two big ways students can get involved in this mission: (1) sign up to volunteer on collection Sundays and help collect and count change; (2) sign up to be a student-representative at the monthly Missions Meetings to be a voice in making decisions with the team.

Participating in fun events: Throughout the year, we will have fun missional events that utilizes their collections. For example, this December we will be hosting Change 4 Change's annual HEAT Christmas Shopping event! In order to participate in this event, students must volunteer at least 4 times between now and December. If you participate in both Sunday collection shifts during a morning, we'll count that as volunteering 2 times!  Click the button below to sign up!

Please feel free to reach out if you'd like to learn more or have any questions!

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Disciple Fast Track

Disciple Fast Track

This 12-week study immerses readers in the letters traditionally attributed to Paul.

This Disciple Fast Track is an adaptation of the original, bestselling Disciple Bible Study: Remember Who You Are. The study is ideal for busy people who want to fit an in-depth Bible study into their schedule. The study retains the familiar Disciple format with its theme word, theme verse, statement of the human condition, daily and weekly assignments, and prayer.

This study examines the connection between memory and identity as the people of God. Participants will find common themes, including calls to remember, calls to repent, calls for renewal, and calls for community.

Time: Tuesday evenings from 6:30pm-8:15pm
Location: Brides’ Room (Behind the Traditional Sanctuary)
Facilitators: Lisa and Lyann Noe

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January Big Idea
to Jan 31

January Big Idea

When something gets us down, we can rely on God to help us get back up. Then we can face any season of life with resilience. We will be practicing resilience as our Big Idea in Anona Kids, which reminds us that we can be tougher than you think, because we know that God is always with us, through the ups and downs. 

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Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service

You’re invited to join us for one of our Christmas Eve Services. Our traditional services are filled with the beauty and reverence of Christmas with classic carols, candlelight, and a heartfelt message celebrating the birth of Christ. The contemporary service is filled with light and life bringing the hope and love the Christmas story alive in a fresh and meaningful way. 

Bring your family and friends and join us for one of these cherished Christmas Eve services as we celebrate the birth of Christ together.

Traditional Services 6PM & 8PM
Contemporary Service 7:30PM

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Sounds of Christmas

Sounds of Christmas

Come and celebrate the Christmas Season at Anona with a Special Sunday of music and worship!

At our 8:15 and 11AM Traditional services we will have our Sanctuary Choir and Anona orchestra present their annual Christmas Cantata of inspirational music of the Christmas  season.

For our 9:30 Contemporary service we’ll have our Anona worship band playing a fun and upbeat mix of Christmas Favorites and joined by our Anona Kids!

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All-Ages Advent Study

All-Ages Advent Study

Everyone is invited to join us for dinner, connectional time, and age-specific studies this Advent Season. We’ll start the evening with an optional, open-house style dinner all together before we split up into our separate Bible Studies. Kids, youth and adults will split up to study the story of Jesus' birth and celebrate Christmas together. This is a really special time to be together and get in the Christmas Spirit.

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All-Ages Advent Study

All-Ages Advent Study

Everyone is invited to join us for dinner, connectional time, and age-specific studies this Advent Season. We’ll start the evening with an optional, open-house style dinner all together before we split up into our separate Bible Studies. Kids, youth and adults will split up to study the story of Jesus' birth and celebrate Christmas together. This is a really special time to be together and get in the Christmas Spirit.

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Anona Kids December Big Idea
to Dec 31

Anona Kids December Big Idea

 There’s so much to celebrate at Christmas! And the reason we celebrate is because of Jesus, God’s greatest gift. Join us in December in Anona Kids to help us ring in the season by celebrating the birth of Jesus! 

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Hanging of the Greens

Hanging of the Greens

Come help Anona get in the Holiday Spirit with our Annual Hanging of the Greens! This is a church tradition of getting together to decorate for Christmas and we would love to celebrate ringing in the season together!

5:30-7:30PM - meet in the Worship Center, we will split up and decorate the different worship areas, decorate Christmas trees, etc. All-ages are invited, there's a job for everyone!

We will provide the pizza and hot cocoa!

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KT Smith Scholarship
to Jan 10

KT Smith Scholarship

KT Smith Scholarships are now available for the 2025-2026 school year.

The scholarship is for those seeking any type of post secondary education and for anyone in Seminary. Hard copies are available in the Church front office or download below. Deadline for completed applications is Friday January 10th 2025.

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Change 4 Change Volunteering

Change 4 Change Volunteering

Change 4 Change Ministry

Middle & High School Volunteering

What it is: Change 4 Change is a ministry created and run by middle and high school students for over a decade. Every second Sunday of the month (some months are different), our students collect any spare change from congregation members before and after our worship services. Students get to be a part of deciding where the money collected should go to give back to our community!

How to get involved: We have two big ways students can get involved in this mission: (1) sign up to volunteer on collection Sundays and help collect and count change; (2) sign up to be a student-representative at the monthly Missions Meetings to be a voice in making decisions with the team.

Participating in fun events: Throughout the year, we will have fun missional events that utilizes their collections. For example, this December we will be hosting Change 4 Change's annual HEAT Christmas Shopping event! In order to participate in this event, students must volunteer at least 4 times between now and December. If you participate in both Sunday collection shifts during a morning, we'll count that as volunteering 2 times!  Click the button below to sign up!

Please feel free to reach out if you'd like to learn more or have any questions!

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Koinonia Retreat
to Nov 10

Koinonia Retreat

Koinonia Fall Retreat

All 6th-12th grade students are invited to an unforgettable weekend experience at Warren Willis Camp for their fall retreat, Koinonia! Students will have the opportunity to deepen their faith, build community, and enjoy camp favorites like color wars, inflatables, sticker exchanges, small groups, free time, and new surprises. The weekend will consist of four main worship sessions that are uniquely focused on our need for community, forming bonds, facing challenges, and building bridges when it comes to our faith. This is a can’t-miss event and we hope to see your student join us!

We know that trying something new can be intimidating. If you have any questions about Koinonia Retreat, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Youth Director, Megan Trunzo, by email or phone (x300)!

When: November 8th-10th, 2024
Warren Willis Camp - Fruitland Park, FL

Registration closes Monday, October 14th.
Scholarship Applications are due Monday, October 14th.*
Final Payment due by Monday, October 28th.

*We understand that trips can be a big cost for any family to afford. We have scholarships available for any reason to any family. Click here for more information on how to apply.

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November Big Idea
to Nov 30

November Big Idea

When we remember what God has given us, we can choose to live with generosity. We can make someone’s day by giving something away. Anona Kids will be practicing what God teaches us about how to live generously. 

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to Nov 30


Kids and Little Kids are collecting the tabs from soda or soup cans. POP TOPS can be recycled and the funds will go to support Ronald McDonald house. Kids think its pretty important to keep families together if a kid is in the Hospital!

We are asking our Church family to pick up a collection container from the lobby and take it to work or maybe ask your favorite restaurant to collect or just have one at home for friends and family! As we focus on Stewardship this November, what better lesson for our kids to be good stewards of the earth and recycle? We love encouraging them to think of others and feel empowered to do what they can to help!

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