Upcoming events.

Filtering by: “Young Adults”
Lenten All-Ages Study

Lenten All-Ages Study

Join us on Wednesday evenings this Lenten season for a time of fellowship, learning, and spiritual growth. The evening begins with an optional, open-house-style dinner, providing an opportunity to connect before we break into age-specific Bible studies. Programs are available for children as young as six months through adulthood, and registration is required.

This year, we’ll explore The Third Day: Living the Resurrection by Tom Berlin. Through compelling storytelling and biblical insight, Berlin brings to life the experiences of those closest to Jesus in his final days. Rather than focusing on loss, this study emphasizes themes of new life and redemption.

Walk alongside Peter, Mary Magdalene, and Thomas as they navigate the sorrow of Jesus’ death and the unexpected joy of his resurrection. We’ll also journey with Paul, the disciples on the road to Emmaus, and others whose lives were transformed by the risen Christ.

Whether you can join us for one night or all five weeks, we welcome you to be part of this meaningful journey toward Easter.

📅 Wednesday Evenings – March 12, 19, 26 & April 2, 9
🍽 5:30-6:15 PM: Open House Dinner (Optional) – Worship Center
📖 6:15-7:30 PM: Bible Study

  • Adults – Worship Center

  • Elementary & Littles – Wesley Hall

  • Middle & High School – Youth Room

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Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Join us on Palm Sunday as we step into Holy Week together! This special service marks the day Jesus entered Jerusalem, greeted with shouts of praise and waving palms.

📅 Date: Sunday, April 13, 2025
📍 Location: Anona UMC
Service Times:

  • 8:15 & 11:00 AM – Traditional Services

  • 9:30 AM – Contemporary Service

Come celebrate, reflect, and prepare for the hope of Easter. We can’t wait to worship with you!

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Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday

Join us for a Maundy Thursday Service as we reflect on the night of Jesus’ Last Supper. This sacred service will feature Holy Communion and beautiful music to guide us in worship and contemplation during Holy Week.

📅 Date: Thursday, April 17, 2025
📍 Location: Traditional Sanctuary, Anona UMC
Time: 6:30 PM

Come experience this meaningful time of remembrance and prepare your heart for the journey to the cross.

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Easter at Anona

Easter at Anona

Join us for a joyful Easter celebration at Anona UMC! Experience the hope and renewal of the resurrection with inspiring worship, uplifting music, and a welcoming community.

Sunrise Service at Serenity Gardens Lakeside
7:00 a.m.

Traditional Services
8:15 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

Contemporary Service
9:30 a.m.

Anona Kids
9:30 a.m. (See Below for Check-in Information)
10:45 a.m. Egg Hunt

Come as you are, bring your family and friends, and celebrate the greatest story of love and redemption. We can’t wait to see you!

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Lenten All-Ages Study

Lenten All-Ages Study

Join us on Wednesday evenings this Lenten season for a time of fellowship, learning, and spiritual growth. The evening begins with an optional, open-house-style dinner, providing an opportunity to connect before we break into age-specific Bible studies. Programs are available for children as young as six months through adulthood, and registration is required.

This year, we’ll explore The Third Day: Living the Resurrection by Tom Berlin. Through compelling storytelling and biblical insight, Berlin brings to life the experiences of those closest to Jesus in his final days. Rather than focusing on loss, this study emphasizes themes of new life and redemption.

Walk alongside Peter, Mary Magdalene, and Thomas as they navigate the sorrow of Jesus’ death and the unexpected joy of his resurrection. We’ll also journey with Paul, the disciples on the road to Emmaus, and others whose lives were transformed by the risen Christ.

Whether you can join us for one night or all five weeks, we welcome you to be part of this meaningful journey toward Easter.

📅 Wednesday Evenings – March 12, 19, 26 & April 2, 9
🍽 5:30-6:15 PM: Open House Dinner (Optional) – Worship Center
📖 6:15-7:30 PM: Bible Study

  • Adults – Worship Center

  • Elementary & Littles – Wesley Hall

  • Middle & High School – Youth Room

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Lenten All-Ages Study

Lenten All-Ages Study

Join us on Wednesday evenings this Lenten season for a time of fellowship, learning, and spiritual growth. The evening begins with an optional, open-house-style dinner, providing an opportunity to connect before we break into age-specific Bible studies. Programs are available for children as young as six months through adulthood, and registration is required.

This year, we’ll explore The Third Day: Living the Resurrection by Tom Berlin. Through compelling storytelling and biblical insight, Berlin brings to life the experiences of those closest to Jesus in his final days. Rather than focusing on loss, this study emphasizes themes of new life and redemption.

Walk alongside Peter, Mary Magdalene, and Thomas as they navigate the sorrow of Jesus’ death and the unexpected joy of his resurrection. We’ll also journey with Paul, the disciples on the road to Emmaus, and others whose lives were transformed by the risen Christ.

Whether you can join us for one night or all five weeks, we welcome you to be part of this meaningful journey toward Easter.

📅 Wednesday Evenings – March 12, 19, 26 & April 2, 9
🍽 5:30-6:15 PM: Open House Dinner (Optional) – Worship Center
📖 6:15-7:30 PM: Bible Study

  • Adults – Worship Center

  • Elementary & Littles – Wesley Hall

  • Middle & High School – Youth Room

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Lenten All-Ages Study

Lenten All-Ages Study

Join us on Wednesday evenings this Lenten season for a time of fellowship, learning, and spiritual growth. The evening begins with an optional, open-house-style dinner, providing an opportunity to connect before we break into age-specific Bible studies. Programs are available for children as young as six months through adulthood, and registration is required.

This year, we’ll explore The Third Day: Living the Resurrection by Tom Berlin. Through compelling storytelling and biblical insight, Berlin brings to life the experiences of those closest to Jesus in his final days. Rather than focusing on loss, this study emphasizes themes of new life and redemption.

Walk alongside Peter, Mary Magdalene, and Thomas as they navigate the sorrow of Jesus’ death and the unexpected joy of his resurrection. We’ll also journey with Paul, the disciples on the road to Emmaus, and others whose lives were transformed by the risen Christ.

Whether you can join us for one night or all five weeks, we welcome you to be part of this meaningful journey toward Easter.

📅 Wednesday Evenings – March 12, 19, 26 & April 2, 9
🍽 5:30-6:15 PM: Open House Dinner (Optional) – Worship Center
📖 6:15-7:30 PM: Bible Study

  • Adults – Worship Center

  • Elementary & Littles – Wesley Hall

  • Middle & High School – Youth Room

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Welcome to Anona

Welcome to Anona

Welcome to Anona Classes - an opportunity to learn more about Anona, church membership, and to discover some of the many opportunities to worship, grow, and serve together in ministry.

Join us at 6:30pm on Monday, March 10th in the Anona Chapel Conference Room for our next Welcome to Anona class.

Email us to sign up or for more information.

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Family Worship Sunday

Family Worship Sunday

Join us on February 23 for a family worship Sunday. This means that there will be no Anona kids programming that Sunday as kids will attend worship with their families! Bonnie will be preaching this Sunday and we will be celebrating the families that participated in learning to use my Bible, as they go on this journey together to discover God's Word! 

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Pants Palooza
to Mar 17

Pants Palooza

Collecting Boys pants 4yrs to 16yrs New or Gently used! This is the rack at the boutique that is never full enough! From Feb 16th to March 16th we are asking you to join the palooza and bring in little boys pants. If you have ever had boys, grandsons, nephews you know how hard they are on their clothes!

Lets fill the rack and give Clothes to Kids plenty to spare!

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Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service

You’re invited to join us for one of our Christmas Eve Services. Our traditional services are filled with the beauty and reverence of Christmas with classic carols, candlelight, and a heartfelt message celebrating the birth of Christ. The contemporary service is filled with light and life bringing the hope and love the Christmas story alive in a fresh and meaningful way. 

Bring your family and friends and join us for one of these cherished Christmas Eve services as we celebrate the birth of Christ together.

Traditional Services 6PM & 8PM
Contemporary Service 7:30PM

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Sounds of Christmas

Sounds of Christmas

Come and celebrate the Christmas Season at Anona with a Special Sunday of music and worship!

At our 8:15 and 11AM Traditional services we will have our Sanctuary Choir and Anona orchestra present their annual Christmas Cantata of inspirational music of the Christmas  season.

For our 9:30 Contemporary service we’ll have our Anona worship band playing a fun and upbeat mix of Christmas Favorites and joined by our Anona Kids!

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All-Ages Advent Study

All-Ages Advent Study

Everyone is invited to join us for dinner, connectional time, and age-specific studies this Advent Season. We’ll start the evening with an optional, open-house style dinner all together before we split up into our separate Bible Studies. Kids, youth and adults will split up to study the story of Jesus' birth and celebrate Christmas together. This is a really special time to be together and get in the Christmas Spirit.

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All-Ages Advent Study

All-Ages Advent Study

Everyone is invited to join us for dinner, connectional time, and age-specific studies this Advent Season. We’ll start the evening with an optional, open-house style dinner all together before we split up into our separate Bible Studies. Kids, youth and adults will split up to study the story of Jesus' birth and celebrate Christmas together. This is a really special time to be together and get in the Christmas Spirit.

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Hanging of the Greens

Hanging of the Greens

Come help Anona get in the Holiday Spirit with our Annual Hanging of the Greens! This is a church tradition of getting together to decorate for Christmas and we would love to celebrate ringing in the season together!

5:30-7:30PM - meet in the Worship Center, we will split up and decorate the different worship areas, decorate Christmas trees, etc. All-ages are invited, there's a job for everyone!

We will provide the pizza and hot cocoa!

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KT Smith Scholarship
to Jan 10

KT Smith Scholarship

KT Smith Scholarships are now available for the 2025-2026 school year.

The scholarship is for those seeking any type of post secondary education and for anyone in Seminary. Hard copies are available in the Church front office or download below. Deadline for completed applications is Friday January 10th 2025.

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Sunday Funday

Sunday Funday

You're invited to join us at 10:30 AM in Wesley Hall for a wonderful all-church community gathering! Come and serve with our Pack-A-Sack program, enjoy our playground, and share a meal with us. It's a perfect opportunity to spend quality time with our Anona community, connect with others, and make a difference together. We can't wait to see you there!

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Christmas in July!

Christmas in July!

You are invited to bring in high protein, nonperishable food for Hope Villages food bank all month long. Our red bags will be available to pick up Sunday mornings!

We will end the month with a big fun celebration Friday 5.30pm to 7.30pm July 26th, Pizza, hot chocolate, frozen chocolate, lots of reindeer games for all ages. Let’s work together to stop Summer hunger for kids by filling the food bank!

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Bible Study

Bible Study

Join us for Bible Study in Room 110 at 7:30pm.

Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts and Outlaws - Explore Jesus’ Relationships with ordinary, flawed and unexpected people to find hope and inspiration for our lives today.

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Bible Study
to Jul 21

Bible Study

Join us for Bible Study in Room 110 at 7:30pm.

Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts and Outlaws - Explore Jesus’ Relationships with ordinary, flawed and unexpected people to find hope and inspiration for our lives today.

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Molly's Dollies
to Jul 27

Molly's Dollies

Molly's Dollies is an event collecting small dolls or action figures (they can be new or gently used) to benefit local needy kids!

This collection is inspired by Molly Selleck who sadly passed away suddenly at age 14. Her youth friends (now young adults) who wanted to honor her life and memory, organized this event. Molly was sweet, kind and had a sunny personality! She loved dancing, helping little children, she was a great friend, so this seemed like the perfect way to do something special in her memory!

Our Anona Church congregation will be collecting all month in conjunction with our Christmas in July Food drive. So, items can be brought to the church any time during business hours.Our young adults will be collecting and sorting items on Saturday the 27th of July 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon. OR Bring them to the Friday 26th Christmas Party Event 5.30 to 7pm!

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Christmas in July Food Drive
to Jul 31

Christmas in July Food Drive

You are invited to bring in high protein, nonperishable food for Hope Villages food bank all month long. Our red bags will be available to pick up Sunday mornings!

Bring your red bag back at any time full of nonperishable food for Hope Villages food bank.

If you’d like to return it on July 26 and join us join us for our Christmas in July party, click here for more information.

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